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Do you love musicals? Are you interested in any of the following - singing, acting, dancing, playing an instrument, directing, building sets, hair and make up, sewing, painting, sound and lighting design, administration or catering? Whether you prefer being on or off the stage, we would love to have you become a member of the Tamworth Musical Society!
New members are always welcome.
How do I join?
All members over the age of 18 must now provide a valid working with children check to be approved for membership.
Apply for a free volunteer WWCC here: -
Complete the 2025 TMS membership form
Pay the membership fee ($10 for adults and $5 for juniors - under 18 years old) by direct deposit
Direct Deposit Details
Tamworth Musical Society Inc.
BSB: 802 298
Account number: 100011382
Reference: (your name)
Membership is valid until the next AGM in February 2026
Membership benefits
Ability to be involved in a current TMS show
Social events for members (such as Trivia Nights and Christmas Parties)
Invitation to join the Facebook group 'Tamworth Musical Society Current Members'
Eligibility to vote and stand for election on the committee during the AGM (if over 18 years of age)
For any questions about membership, please contact
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